Blue Onion Media is a national resource for regional advertisers.
We’re your partners in paid media investment and management.

We’ve been around. We’re older than MTV. Blue Onion Media has been through all of the latest media advancements and breakthroughs in recent business history. We know firsthand that people and the market evolve at a rapid fire rate.

Through it all, Blue Onion Media has made huge gains for our clients. Since 1979, we’ve placed $800 million nationally and $200 million in the Denver market.

Blue Onion Media is one of Denver’s largest media planning and buying agencies, in both traditional and digital. We’re deeply familiar with both local and national media markets—we’ve negotiated in over 125 media markets nationwide.

We help you reach and exceed your communications and business objectives by creating and launching zero-based, innovative media plans. Using targeted research to execute efficiently and effectively, Blue Onion Media manages your media investments with finesse, attention to detail, and exceptional service.

Blue Onion Media speaks media in all its forms. We have extensive multimedia experience with:

  • Television
  • Radio
  • Digital
  • Out-of-Home
  • Print

Count on us to be with you every step of the way on your media management and investment journey. We’ll be there with innovative and expert media buying and planning solutions.